Saturday, April 1, 2017

Annie's Food Logs #9


You get another HIGH FIVE!!!!! You are making me smile with each email!!!
I am excited to have you do the PB/EZ in the AM...:)
I am soooo glad you like the Goddess...YUM!!
I wonder if you are having some caffeine withdrawals...maybe that is what is happening around 3 each day. Hopefully in the next few days that will go away...your body just might be used to having it at that time...and will hopefully get used to having good nutrient dense foods instead.
Any apple is long as you have protein with it!!!
I am so happy we get to shop...and Mariano's is perfect.

Big hugs and smiles...

Another day of eating clean! Still with good consistent energy and I actually didnt feel the usual fatigue around 3pm! I squeezed in a workout today too! 

0730- cinnamon raisin ez bread x2 with natural peanutbutter and 1 banana
1030- marys gone crackers herb flavor (1 serving) and hummus from tj
1330- 2 pieces of sesame ezekiel bread with hummus, half and avacado, Applegate peppered turkey, honeycrisp apple
1630- protein shake with organic pumpkin, isopure protein powder 1 scoop, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1/2 cup organic cottage cheese 
2000- organic salmon on a bed of mixed greens, edemame, 2 tablespoons goddess dressing 

I love the marys gone crackers but I noticed a dangerous habit resurfacing when I started eating them, I felt like I could eat the whole box! Thankfully I exhibited some self control and kept it to one serving. I noticed after I had dinner I had a sweets craving. Wonder what that could be from. Hope you had a good day! 

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